Why Wood Pellets Are So Popular

Green energy in the UK has had a tremendous 5 years with wood pellets leading the new energy boom. This form of renewable energy now accounts for 8-12% of the entire country's energy output and importantly can reliably meet base and peak level demand when other renewables such as solar and wind are unable.
The United Kingdom imports more than four million tonnes of biomass per annum, and important power plants such as Drax have converted over from Coal to Biomass.
Here are some significant reasons for the growth:
Lower heating costs
Wood Pellets are densely packed high calorific wood with a much higher efficiency than traditional wood products. On average you can expect at least a 25% savings compared to traditional fossil fuels.
The price is also distinguished by stability in terms of fluctuations. For instance, the price for wood pellets has stayed about 5 cents per kWh since 2000. Meanwhile, oil prices have seen fluctuations from 5 to 11 cents per kWh.
Conservative estimates show us that a pellet boiler is able to give a 49% return on investment per year over 15 years.
Environmental-friendly solution
Waste wood, nutshells, bark, seeds, wood from energy crops ― each of these things can be a raw material for the production of wood pellets. This is a good modern ecological alternative to traditional fuels.
As a kind of fuel, wood pellets are carbon-neutral. Advocates argue that its sustainability makes such biomass much better than non-renewable fuels, such as:
Natural gas
The production process makes no environmental pollution as well.
Efficient fuel
The transition to wood pellet fuel has become interesting for many industrial enterprises and households. Given than the product is of decent quality, while stoves and/or boilers are energetically effective, the heat value could total up to 4.5-5.0 kWh per kilogram.
Premium pellets are the most efficient, as they do not contain any filling substances, such as bark or nutshells. We always recommend buying ENplus A1 Wood Pellets and we clearly label on our website our products with such high standards.
Finally, wood pellets significantly surpass logwood fuel in terms of dryness. The former have approximately 8-12% of moisture, while the moisture content of the latter accounts for 30-50%. Therefore, wood pellets have comparably higher heating value.