COVID-19 Business Update
We are open, operational and supplying on a daily basis.
We would like to update our customers on what we are doing, how we are operating and what they can expect moving forward. We are taking proactive steps to ensure the impact of this virus is mitigated on our customers, suppliers and our business. We have needed to implement some new policies which will effect everyone.
Wholesale Full Load Deliveries
Electronic and Paper POD: Due to the nature of COVID-19, the virus can be spread through interaction with objects that have been handled by those who carry the virus. Our drivers on arrival and departure from all sites must interact with staff in order to complete paperwork, and confirm the delivery was completed. This is an identified area of risk and we understand that more and more sites are not wanting to get involved in this aspect of the collection/delivery. With this in mind, we respectfully request that any electronic or paper POD that is completed and signed by the driver only, is accepted by customers as confirmation of the delivery, waiting times etc.
Site Rules: We would also request that all drivers are permitted to remain in their vehicles while on any customer premises. At a number of sites that our drivers attend, on arrival they are asked to use communal waiting rooms. In the current climate, we do not believe that this is the safest option, and therefore believe that drivers should be allowed to follow the ‘social distancing’ policy and remain isolated in their vehicles for the duration of their time on sites. We understand that this may cause a change to current site rules, but due to the unprecedented situation we find ourselves in, we request your understanding in this matter.
Toilets: We request that all visiting drivers will be given access to toilet and washing facilities when on sites. Whilst this is a legal requirement, it is also very important in the fight against COVID-19, as the government suggests that simply washing ones hands with soap and water is the best way to prevent contracting and/or spreading the virus.
Partial Load / Pallet Deliveries
Electronic POD: We will not be asking you or those on site to sign any PDA’s or Paperwork. This will appear on the consignment online as signed for by Palletways, we will obtain your name but you will not be asked to sign anything.
Maintaining Safe Distance: We ask all our customers to stay at least 2 metre’s away from all drivers. If you have any special instruction for our drivers whilst collecting please email myself and Richard immediately and we can advise the driver.
With these new policies in place we will be able to combat COVID-19 together.
If you have any questions please email us in the first instance as phone lines are extremely busy and we are working remotely during this time. If you email it will be sent to multiple people guaranteeing the quickest response.