Rupert Ralston
Aug 12, 2019
The road forward to a Net Zero 2050
In one of her last acts as prime minister, Theresa May confirmed that parliament will implement the recommendations of the Committee on...

Rupert Ralston
May 2, 2019
Net Zero 2050: Our support and response to todays CCC Report
The Biomass industry had front page news this morning, which has awoken the great debate on future technologies which will be responsibly...

Alan Soloman
Apr 16, 2019
Pure Biofuel Director joins UKPC board
We are happy to announce that our MD Rupert Ralston has been elected to the Board of Directors of the UK Pellet Council. As Managing...

Rupert Ralston
Mar 13, 2019
Wood Heat 2019 Conference Roundup
On Tuesday and Wednesday this week we sent three members of our team to the joint UK Pellet Council and Wood Heat Association conference...