Rupert Ralston
Dec 10, 2018
Opening Hours during Christmas & New Years
The team at Pure Biofuel would like to wish all our Suppliers, Distributors, and Customers a warm and Merry Christmas and a fantastic New...

Rupert Ralston
Oct 16, 2018
Company Video: Your Wood Pellet Supplier
An in-depth look at our supply chain. Pure Biofuel manages the supply chain from the raw material through to the final delivery into your...

Rupert Ralston
Mar 8, 2018
The Beast from the East Recap
This past week has seen snow throughout the UK, high winds and ice at sea and delays throughout the UK. However we have been able to keep...

Rupert Ralston
Feb 27, 2018
Freezing Weather Conditions in the UK UPDATED 28/2
Freezing temperatures and snow have arrived and are covering a large part of Britain today with more expected throughout the week, in...

Rupert Ralston
Oct 18, 2017
Stock Control: Preparing for Winter
With a warmer start to October then we are used to you may have put off that purchase of Wood Pellets for a couple of weeks later, and...

Rupert Ralston
Oct 3, 2017
Winter Price Increases
From this Sunday we will have updated pricing on our website for both our Wood Pellet Fuel and Animal Bedding products. We have been...

Rupert Ralston
Aug 14, 2017
Our Big Bags are ready for Winter
Pure Biofuel Ltd. is pleased to announce that Big Bags of ENplus A1 Wood Pellets are now available for immediate delivery throughout...