Rupert Ralston
Aug 12, 2019
The road forward to a Net Zero 2050
In one of her last acts as prime minister, Theresa May confirmed that parliament will implement the recommendations of the Committee on...

Alan Soloman
May 8, 2019
What Wood Means to Us – A Sustainable Future
From the earliest history of man wood has been faithfully by our side. It’s first usage was being a fire to warm our family as well as...

Rupert Ralston
Feb 28, 2019
Pure Biofuel holds partnership meetings
We've just completed an excellent week of meetings with our partners to begin negotiations on securing off-take agreements in 2019/2020...

Anna Asoeva
Feb 20, 2019
Advantages of Pure Wood Briquettes
Are you interested in buying wood briquettes? We have prepared a list of advantages of why you should get Pure Wood Briquettes: A pallet...

Rupert Ralston
Feb 1, 2019
Pure Biofuel achieves PEFC Certification
Pure Biofuel today joined more than 10,000 companies around the world to have been awarded PEFC Chain of Custody certification. We...

Rupert Ralston
Nov 19, 2018
Increased role for Biomass in UK energy
The main findings of the report where that biomass incl. Wood Pellets could provide up to 15% of UK energy (currently at 7% now).

Jessica Baumer
Apr 15, 2017
Why Wood Pellets Are So Popular
Green energy in the UK has had a tremendous 5 years with wood pellets leading the new energy boom. This form of renewable energy now...